Universal Keyword Planner Box: Chrome Extension for SEO Keyword Research

Universal Keyword Planner Box is a Free SEO Google Chrome Extension that can be used to perform Keyword Research in SEO and PPC Campaigns. You can also get keyword ideas for your YouTube and TikTok videos using this SEO Google Chrome Extension.

In this post, we are going to share all the details that will help you to understand from beginner to advanced level use of this Chrome Extension Universal Keyword Planner Box.

Universal Keyword Planner Box Details

Name of SEO Extension Universal Keyword Planner Box
Offered byWuhenlove
Last Update24 March 2023
Available LanguagesIn 6 different languages
Active Users4,000+
Official Websitehttps://adtargeting.io/

How To Install Universal Keyword Planner Box in Google Chrome Browser?

The installation method is the same as when you install any extension in Google Chrome.

Follow the steps below.

  • Go to the Google Chrome Web Store or use this direct link https://chrome.google.com/webstore/
  • Search the same keyword (Universal Keyword Planner Box) using the search box in the top left corner
  • Open the first extension showing in the right-hand side search result
  • Click on “Add To Chrome” and wait for the installation process to be complete

Universal Keyword Planner Box Features

  1. Find Keywords for Google Search Engine
  2. Find Keywords for Bing Search Engine
  3. Find Keywords for TikTok

Being a Digital Marketer we can not ignore any platform where we can get potential website traffic. Google and Bing are two major search engines used by billions of people each day for searching. And these two are the best sources to get free organic traffic on a website.

Apart from that there are video streaming websites that are also very famous and have billions of searches per day. So we can not ignore them at all.

YouTube and TikTok are at the top of the list of video streaming websites.

Only creating content is not enough today if you do not have proper keyword research and a content strategy.

This tool Universal Keyword Planner Box can help you to get keyword ideas on all the above-mentioned platforms. So you can make content around those topics to grab the maximum traffic on your videos and website.

#1- Find Keywords for Google Search Engine

If you are running a blog o a service website you need free traffic from the Google search engine.

The first thing you need to do is a proper keyword research to find the queries that users are actually using to search anything online. Once you find all the potential keywords you can write an article on those keywords to get traffic and sales.

Universal Keyword Planner Box can help you to apply a filter on all those keywords that are searching on Google only. If your main traffic source is Google or you want to get traffic from Google this Google Chrome Free SEO Extension is for you.

#2- Find Keywords for Bing Search Engine

Bing is the second most used Search Engine in the world. And their market share is continuously increasing after the integration of ChatGPT in their search engine. So Bing can be your second major free traffic source.

The keyword research process for both Google and Bing is the same but you need a tool that can differentiate the keywords that are searching on both these platforms. The intent of the searchers can be different.

Universal Keyword Planner Box for Google Chrome can be your go-to tool for this.

Follow the above guide to install it in your browser, so you can easily find keywords that you can target for Bing search engine users.

#3- Find Keywords for TikTok

The best thing about this tool which I like the most is the keyword research based on TikTok users’ interest.

Because I know it is very difficult to find a Keyword Research Tool for TikTok. We use all the traditional SEO Tools to find keywords for our TikTok videos which is actually not a very good practice.

But with this Chrome Extension, you can find keywords that you can target in your TikTok videos only and grab tons of TikTok Video views.

Using a keyword research tool will help you to reach your actual targeted audience who are really interested in such kinds of videos you are making. If you are selling something the chances of conversion will be increased and if you’re sending traffic to your website the chances are more that these users can be your return and permanent users.

Universal Keyword Planner Box Pricing

If you are a professional in the field and have to do a lot of Keyword Research on a daily basis you can purchase the premium plan of Universal Keyword Planner Box so you can get more credits.

You can buy for:

  • Monthly
  • Yearly

Here are the pricing details of the Universal Keyword Planner Box.

Universal Keyword Planner Box Monthly Plan Price

BasicProVIP Enterprise
$9 / mo$69 /mo$199~999 /mo

Universal Keyword Planner Box Yeary Plan Price

BasicProVIP Enterprise
$50 $33$2K-10K