Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool: Google Chrome SEO Extension

Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool is another Google Chrome Extension for SEO.

As you know we already covered all the useful SEO Extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge in our previous blogs. If you are in search of browser extensions for SEO you can try this extension which can make your job easier to check all the ranking keywords of a website, also it will allow you to extract those found keywords into a CSV.

This SEO Google Chrome Extension is also very useful for checking the CPC Cost Per Click on a keyword if you are doing keyword research for your next Google Ads PPC Pay Per Click campaign.

Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool Google Chrome SEO Extension Details

Name of the Extension Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool
Offered byASOTools
Version 1.5.4
Last UpateLast Update
Available Languagesin 21 different languages
Active Users7,000+ 
Official Webiste

Check the first glance of this extension Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool.

How To Install Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool?

The installation process is quite easy and simple and the same as installing any extension in Google Chrome. You can just follow these steps if you are a beginner.

  • Go to the Google Chrome Web Store or use this direct link
  • You can see a search bar in the top left side
  • Type Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool and click enter on your keyboard
  • Now you can see a list of extensions on the right side of the page
  • Choose the first one which is the extension we are searching
  • Open it and click on the “Add To Chrome” button
  • Wait for a few seconds and it will download and install the Google Chrome Extension for you
  • Once the installation process is completed you open any website and click on the extension to find all the results

Key Features of Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool SEO Extension

  1. Check the search volume of a keyword
  2. Check CPC Cost Per Click
  3. Check the Paid Difficulty of a Keyword
  4. Export data in CSV format

#1- Check The Search Volume Of A Keyword

Keyword volume refers to the number of searches happening against a specific term/keyword in Google per month.

In SEO Search Engine Optimization, keyword research plays an important role, and it is directly affecting the success and the failure of an SEO campaign. So always put extra effort into searching, finalizing, and targeting the right keywords.

This is also a fact that without having the right SEO tools keyword research cannot be performed effectively. There are expensive tools like AHREFS, SEMRush, etc. available in the market which we can use for SEO tasks like keyword research, backlinkd finding, etc.

But not everyone can afford these tools especially if someone is just learning or new in the field.

In such scenarios, these Google Extensions for SEO come into play. These extensions are inspired by these SEO tools and also have the features same as these tools. So as a beginner or an expert, you can utilize these tools to get the same results.

So, if you want to check the search volume of a keyword this SEO extension can help you. All you have to do is, install the extension by following the above steps.

#2- Check CPC Cost Per Click

CPC stands for Cost Per Click.

This is a term used in Paid campaigns especially if someone is running Google Ads. There are many ways you can manage the budget in your Google Ads. CPC is one of them.

A campaign in which you choose a CPC model will only charge you when someone clicks on your ads appearing on search results, on a video, on a mobile app, or on a Google Partner website.

Why Checking CPC Is Important?

You might have this question in your mind.

The CPC depends on the nature of the keyword you are targeting in your campaigns and also on the category of your business.

For example, if you are running a campaign on Google in the Insurance niche. It will cost you somewhere US $50-80 Per click.

You can check the 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Google Ads published by Wordstream. Insurance is on the top by the way.

So, once you have an idea about the CPC you can use the budget in a better way to get the maximum output from a campaign. This tool can help you to get an idea about CPC Cost Per Click.

#3- Check the Paid Difficulty of a Keyword

Keyword Difficulty is a term used in SEO Search Engine Optimization and PPC. It will give you an idea about how easy or hard is to rank your targeted keyword if you run a paid campaign or try to rank through SEO.

There are many other factors also which affect the rankings but the difficulty is one of them.

Again we will take the example of insurance. The CPC is very high in insurance niches because this keyword has the highest competition in both SEO and PPC.

Companies are ready to pay more to Google when they are bidding on a show their ads on the first slot on the SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

So the question is how we came to know about the Keywords’ difficulty whether it is for SEO or PPC Paid Difficulty.

To find the paid difficulty of a keyword this tool Website Keyword Extractor & Planner Tool can help you.

And you can use MOZ for finding SEO keyword difficulty.

#4- Export data in CSV format

Once you are done with all the research you can export all the data in a CSV format in just one click from this extension. This is a very helpful and useful feature I found in this tool. You can also try it to save your valuable time.